Creating new habits – Those 15 minutes

Can you make one small change per week? Can you make 15 minutes available a day? How much time do you really lose through internet and phone scrolling? These are all questions I ask my clients. And for good reason. Here’s why…

One small change per week can be as simple as setting an alarm for water intake or parking a bit further away from work to walk. Even something as drastic, dare I say it, as staying away from your phone the final hour before bed! If you can make these changes over the course of a year that’s 52 – yes that’s right 52 changes per year!! – you won’t be the same person.

You can, and you will be better. The point is not to make drastic, radical wholesale changes, but, just as with the quest for the perfect body, it’s about incremental change. This takes time, commitment, and a lot of hard work BUT is totally achievable! Just remember it didn’t take 5 minutes to get to where you are today and to achieve all that you have achieved in life. It’s a process – a marathon and not a sprint! And we need to keep that in mind when we are trying to build a new healthier and even more fulfilling lifestyle.

Fifteen minutes in a day equates to… wait for it… just 1% of your day!! Think of what can be achieved in 15 minutes! The possibilities are truly endless and can all contribute to your fitness goals. For example, you could do a 7-minute workout twice. You could go for a short walk around the block. You could do some yoga or meditation to clear your mind. You could read a short book or magazine article on a topic that inspires you. There are so many possibilities and real ways of making positive lifestyle changes to self-improve with actually quite short time intervals.

So if you’ve fallen into bad habits like spending hours funny video scrolling or just plain boredom scrolling now is the time to take back that time for you to build a healthier lifestyle with simple changes and with 15 minute blocks. Be brave and take that ownership over your habits and create new goals for yourself for a new level of fitness and well-being. Remember those incremental changes don’t have to be big – they just have to matter to you and be realistic.

So don’t waste another 15 minutes pondering those changes – start making them right now!