Let’s get physical!
Plenty of us understand exercise is a ‘physical’ motivator and therefore we reap the physiological benefits when we run, go to the gym etc.
However, in the current climate and more predominately the pandemic that turned our lives upside down, this had and still has detrimental effects on our mental wellbeing. Perhaps you find yourself lacking confidence and your self-esteem is low, going back to exercise/ returning to the gym is difficult to face
Let us enlighten you, there is good news and there is an answer! Plentiful research associates exercise with positive mental health outcomes. For those of us who fail to believe in ourselves that can all change when we integrate exercise into our lives.
Having the courage to grab your gym bag, put on your gym attire and walk up to those gym doors can be daunting and this is exactly why our personal training sessions run on a one-to-one basis in a private studio. We have seen the difference in our client’s confidence, the space we provide is a personal COVID compliant safe space with no interruptions!
The behaviour of regular exercise changes a person’s characteristics, it gives a sense of accomplishment as you build strength and change your body. In as little as five minutes of exercise, your mood can enhance as endorphins charge through your body! These beta-endorphins help to reduce stress, anxiety and increase your sense of wellbeing. In its own right, this will boost your self-esteem, you will begin to recognise you have control! These changes are empowered by you and you are your own success!